Saturday, January 14, 2012

Will You Consider A Divorce Insurance?

Couples who get married don't always end up together. Marriages are not made in heaven as they say. Problems and conflicts occur every now and then. Unfortunately for some who don't have the patience and tolerance to save their relationship can just give up easily.This is one of the reasons that some couples, particularly those who have accumulated wealth before tying the knot, prefer to have a pre-nuptial agreement is preferred to protect their properties in the event of divorce. These days, however, the divorce insurance is another option. It's still quite new but well worth a try.
Being an insurance, it aims to help people in their expenses should they decide to divorce their partner. The financial assistance will be in cash to help the spouse pay for the divorce proceedings and find a new home to live in. Not many people are aware that going through divorce can be very expensive. Your lawyer fees alone can already cost you tens of thousands of dollars and if you don't have a steady income and other sources of funds, how are you going to pay them?
This divorce insurance is considered very helpful particularly for the spouse who does not earn as much as his or her other half. In short, it will assist the person by providing financial security while going through hard times after the divorce.
This latest divorce insurance is affordable as well. For example, you can get it for as low as $16 per month at Each unit can already provide coverage worth $1,200 which is not bad.
If you have your own income, you can decide to purchase this type of insurance if you want. Not that you're foreseeing divorce to happen but then again, the unexpected can always occur even in the most stable marriages that were thought to last.
The issue, however, will be about how you are going to open this up with your spouse. Normally, it's the low earning or non-earning wives who often experience great difficulty financially after the divorce and as such, should be the ones more likely to consider getting a divorce insurance.
If you're planning to tell your partner about getting this protection, experts suggest scheduling a time to discuss this with an open mind. This can take about an hour or two. To open the issue, you can start pointing out the divorce rate and your plans if ever this will happen to both of you.
In these times when marriages are unpredictable like the weather, it's best to be prepared for the worst scenario. Lucky for you if your spouse is very generous and will agree to support you financially after you've split up. But what if not and you don't have a source of income? Where are you going to turn to for financial assistance?
The divorce insurance may still have some areas to improve on so you can wait for a year or two before getting one. But again, it's always an option today as it can be a great help to you eventually should you go through divorce.
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